by Acepreneur Media | Dec 6, 2018 | Amazon Product Listings, Authorship, Blogging, Content Creation, Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Motivation, Persuasion, Sales
Recently, I closed a ‘single’ Copywriting and Content Curation project by a new high-ticket client from Dubai
Since 2013, here are some tips on how I’ve monetized low, mid and high-ticket offers for my copywriting and content creation services ( including a BBC celebrity who is a world renowned figure in therapy and has appeared on several TV shows including “Freaky Eaters” )
💡 Develop a Positive Mindset
You have to ‘believe’ you deserve a high-ticket fee. If you think there’s too much poverty in the world, and nobody can afford your high ticket service or programs, well, that is what you will get
If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t, you most assuredly won’t. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad
💡 Set Your Income Goal
How much do you want to earn in the next 6, 12 months? When you try to do this, you should be holistic.
It really doesn’t matter what the figure is. $10,000 , $100,000, $250,000. No matter what it is, it does not matter. If it’s what you want, then it’s good enough for you.
💡 Identify Problems You Can Solve
As someone who wants to sell high ticket offer, you need to identify problems you can solve for people, faster and better than anyone else.
Seriously, you don’t need to solve a million problems to earn a million dollar. Just solve one, two or maximum, three problems.
💡 Identify Your Best Prospects
Everybody will not buy from you, it’s natural. Everyone isn’t supposed to buy from you, that is totally against human behavior.
However, you need to be able to identify the people who can buy from you VS those will never buy from you, no matter how good your marketing is.
💡 Offer To Help For Free
Be a humanist. Help people for the sake of helping, without any ulterior motives. If you can help people get what they want, you will also get what you want. This is where you begin to do things differently from what everyone else out there is doing.
💡 Ask For The Sale
If you’ve done steps 1-5 without hiccups, then this step should come naturally. Asking for the sale doesn’t mean saying ‘hey, give me yo monies – now!’.
It means reinforcing your value proposition by reciprocating the monetary value of the ‘help’ you’re wiling to extend to someone who ‘needs’ that help. And effectively reassuring them that ‘nobody can provide you this help better than I can!’.
⚡️💸🗝 Hope these tips helped you all! 🙂 If you have any questions on website copywriting, content curation, persuasive marketing, product listings, writing mentorship or more – feel free to PM me!
#Ace #Copywriting #Acepreneur #Marketing #Sales #Advertising #Success
by Acepreneur Media | Sep 19, 2017 | Amazon Product Listings
As a Direct-Sales Copywriting Specialist and E-commerce Web Content Curation Expert, I can tell you that words have the power to change minds, move hearts and increase bank balances.
An Amazon Product Listing is no different.
The right ingredients to create a high-converting recipe for sales is key!
I’ve had Sellers asking me recently the best way to write Product Titles for an Amazon listings. I thought I’d create a post exclusively focusing on Product Titles. So here it goes:
The Product Title is crucial for potential customers to know what your product is, at first glance!
A well written Product Title facilitates the complex Amazon algorithm and helps in effectively educating the customer, so that your listing ‘stands out’ from a SEA and BUFFET of other choices the customer has from other sellers at his / her finger tips!
I have seen an ongoing debate online how many keywords and characters is optimal for including in the Product Title. Amazon will allow ‘up to’ 250 characters, so my philosophy is that you should use as much of that REAL ESTATE as possible!
Here is an example of a GREAT PRODUCT LISTING TITLE! ( see image below)
It employs the main keywords, as well as additional keywords, while successfully showcasing the product’s features, benefits, value proposition, size, weight and other valuable consumer areas of interest.

The only thing I’d add to it ( to make it perfect) would be the BRAND NAME before the Keyword “Reflective Dog Vest”. So it becomes “Twilight Dog – Reflective Dog Vest”.
Amazon has stated that you only need to mention a keyword once in a listing, and additional uses of the keyword don’t increase the value placed on the keyword. Moreover, as they note in their Terms of Service, keywords are matched to customer search queries using full or partial keyword overlap.
Write your Product Titles for HUMANS. Not BOTS!
I can’t emphasise this enough. Why? Because BOTS are not the one’s buying your product. A human being with a credit card sitting across the computer screen is!
TALK the human language.
>> Prioritise your main keywords at the FRONT of your listing. Address the main product benefits and features in a concise manner. And if there are multiple uses or customer niches for your product, and you can include them in your product title, you may want to do so to increase the likelihood of appearing in those customer search queries.
>> Look at Google Keyword Planner,, or Ubersuggest to get additional relevant keywords. Once you have your main keyword, it is very easy to extend that list to many other related search queries that would attract relevant customers.
>> Search on Amazon or eBay with just your main keyword and see what the search results are. Do products that are similar to yours pop up? If so, at least that is a good thing that you are targeting keywords that Amazon sees as relevant to your type of product.
And look closer at those listings: what do these listings include that you do not have? This can help you improve your product title to include keywords, product benefits, and product features that your potential customer may be interested in.
Hope these valuable insights are helpful to you.
> If you have any questions and would like me to evaluate your Amazon product listing for FREE, don’t hesitate to PM me, or email me and I’d be glad to provide suggestions for improvement from a persuasive copywriting standpoint! 🙂

by Acepreneur Media | Sep 5, 2017 | Amazon Product Listings
As I look at the boom in Amazon sales over the last four or five years, it reminds me of Google’s growth.
As Google began its journey to becoming the number one search engine, website owners went absolutely crazy, to the point that they lost sight of one of the most vital pieces of any business – customer experience.
Unfortunately, I’m starting to see the same phenomenon occurring on Amazon today.
While you do need to incorporate keywords to tell Amazon what your product is about, you shouldn’t sacrifice ‘quality’. Humans also have to find ‘value’ in the copy you write before they will convert into customers.
Yes, having exceptional rankings on Amazon is a priority, but Amazon isn’t the one with a credit card in its hand – shoppers are!
When prospects scroll through the search results, they glance at the information including the title, image, price, and more. There has to be something there to capture attention or, with the swipe of a finger or click of a mouse, your listing will be out of view, never to be seen again. I call that ‘forgetful foolness’ in the Acepreneur world.
Even if you do get a click to your product listing, if your well-ranked page doesn’t offer solid details that “inform, entice, and persuade”, your sales will still be lacking.
There must be an even balance between “ranking criteria” and “customer experience”. In essence, you’re serving two masters: Amazon and shoppers. But the difference is that the latter of the two is the one paying for your product. Keep that in mind!
BLUNDER # 1 >> Keyword-stuffing titles <<
One of the biggest mistakes sellers make when writing Amazon listing copy is to simply stuff product titles with keywords. Yes, search terms are needed in your title, but titles that are difficult to read make shoppers stop and think.
You never want your prospects to be forced to figure out what you’re trying to say. Nobody likes a headache! The flow of the copy should be seamless and easy to read.
In the meanwhile, if you’d like me to evaluate your Amazon product listing for FREE, don’t hesitate to PM me and I’d be glad to have a look + provide suggestions for improvement from a persuasive copywriting standpoint 🙂