by Acepreneur Media | Dec 14, 2018 | Authorship, Content Creation, Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Digital Products, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Sales
🎖️🔈⚡The Power of “Marketing Intelligence” 🔈🎖️⚡
Your ‘marketing intelligence’ acts as a ceiling that limits the growth of your wealth. As you raise your marketing intelligence, you raise the ceiling on what’s financially possible for you. Your marketing intelligence sets the context for your investment success – or lack thereof.
Here’s how and why…
🚩Your return on investment should improve as you learn how to invest more consistently into yourself and control losses when the inevitable mistakes do occur. That translates into more dollars in your pocket and greater financial security.
🚩Your focus should ensure that those mistakes are never made or atleast minimised so that you enjoy a head-start to the blue-print path that professionals like myself have spent hundreds of hours, thousands of dollars and countless drops of tears and sweat in investing.
⁉️ A little known fact about marketing intelligence is that it grows and compounds just like money. The effect is a ‘multiplicative’ one – not an additive one. Each new titbit of information connects to all the other knowledge which multiplies. It doesn’t just add up, but it grows geometrically by multiplying.
👉 Your goal should be to make regular knowledge-deposits every week into your marketing intelligence account, just like you make monthly deposits into your investment accounts.
💥 When you do this, your marketing intelligence will multiply and grow ahead of the growth in your investment accounts to help create a lifetime of financial security.
🎖️For more gems on the power of persuasive marketing, attention-grabbing sales copywriting and emotion-evoking content that leaves you salivating, check out: 🎖️
StayAce :)
by Acepreneur Media | Dec 6, 2018 | Amazon Product Listings, Authorship, Blogging, Content Creation, Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Motivation, Persuasion, Sales
Recently, I closed a ‘single’ Copywriting and Content Curation project by a new high-ticket client from Dubai
Since 2013, here are some tips on how I’ve monetized low, mid and high-ticket offers for my copywriting and content creation services ( including a BBC celebrity who is a world renowned figure in therapy and has appeared on several TV shows including “Freaky Eaters” )
💡 Develop a Positive Mindset
You have to ‘believe’ you deserve a high-ticket fee. If you think there’s too much poverty in the world, and nobody can afford your high ticket service or programs, well, that is what you will get
If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t, you most assuredly won’t. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad
💡 Set Your Income Goal
How much do you want to earn in the next 6, 12 months? When you try to do this, you should be holistic.
It really doesn’t matter what the figure is. $10,000 , $100,000, $250,000. No matter what it is, it does not matter. If it’s what you want, then it’s good enough for you.
💡 Identify Problems You Can Solve
As someone who wants to sell high ticket offer, you need to identify problems you can solve for people, faster and better than anyone else.
Seriously, you don’t need to solve a million problems to earn a million dollar. Just solve one, two or maximum, three problems.
💡 Identify Your Best Prospects
Everybody will not buy from you, it’s natural. Everyone isn’t supposed to buy from you, that is totally against human behavior.
However, you need to be able to identify the people who can buy from you VS those will never buy from you, no matter how good your marketing is.
💡 Offer To Help For Free
Be a humanist. Help people for the sake of helping, without any ulterior motives. If you can help people get what they want, you will also get what you want. This is where you begin to do things differently from what everyone else out there is doing.
💡 Ask For The Sale
If you’ve done steps 1-5 without hiccups, then this step should come naturally. Asking for the sale doesn’t mean saying ‘hey, give me yo monies – now!’.
It means reinforcing your value proposition by reciprocating the monetary value of the ‘help’ you’re wiling to extend to someone who ‘needs’ that help. And effectively reassuring them that ‘nobody can provide you this help better than I can!’.
⚡️💸🗝 Hope these tips helped you all! 🙂 If you have any questions on website copywriting, content curation, persuasive marketing, product listings, writing mentorship or more – feel free to PM me!
#Ace #Copywriting #Acepreneur #Marketing #Sales #Advertising #Success
by Acepreneur Media | Oct 3, 2018 | Digital Marketing, Marketing, Persuasion, Sales
How to AVOID Serious MARKETING Accidents! (And get home safe, with money in your pockets) 💰🔈🚙🚧✍️🤕
It honestly makes my blood boil when I see talented business owners with amazing products or services, marketing themselves like a person with the intellectual range of a rotting onion.
💡⛔AVOID Empty Words or Phrases! 🖋️📒
Keeping in mind your readers’ fragility of attention is CRUCIAL! Avoid writing like this:
🔍Example # 1 “Always striving for excellence, from our very inception, a visionary, vigilant, and flexible approach has ensured that we are awake to the exciting possibilities science and technology allow, so that we can offer you beautiful, precise, and high-quality hardwood floors.”
I know. It’s hard to imagine that sentence ever got to see the light of day. Forty-one words that tell us absolutely nothing. But yes, that’s a real example, taken from the wild.
🔍 Example # 2 “These changes reflect our view that tighter integration and closer collaboration between our teams is a critical component of sustainably growing our business. While this process has required us to make some really tough decisions, we believe that rigorously ensuring our team structure always aligns with our goals will make us stronger.”
This is what they were trying to say … (in my own words, not theirs):
✅“Yeah, we had to fire some people.”
The point being, all that blah blah blah is a great way to drive people away! 😱
Long phrases and sentences with almost zero meaning instantly dilute your readers’ interest and attention.
They don’t have time to listen to your life story. Just as you don’t either. See the human commonality? You are selling to HUMANS. Not Drones or Robots.🤖
SPEAK the human language. And get home safe without colliding with other onion-minded peeps on the information highway! 🛣️⭐
by Acepreneur Media | Aug 31, 2017 | Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Persuasion
Your business can be as smart as you, and easily be as dumb as you sound. I’ll say it again.
Your business can be as smart as you, and easily be as dumb as you sound.
In the busy, noisy, loud, competitive and unforgiving world of social media with our large news feeds and distracted attention spans, now more than ever, what you write is ‘who’ you are.
Yes, really! You ‘are’ what you portray of yourself, and in the world of business, you become what people ‘think’ of you as an individual, a professional and as a business owner.
But wait! You have mountains of thoughts and ideas broiling inside of you; beckoning to be unleashed like a volcanic eruption. What about that? All that potential, all that drive, the innovative foresight; what becomes of that?
Sadly, much of it goes to utter waste. And you know what the sad thing is? Nobody cares! Nobody owes you anything. The world does not ‘owe’ you squat!
How do you stand out from the crowd, make the world give a damn and showcase what you’re truly worth?
As a professional writer, content creation specialist and acclaimed direct-sales copywriting ace, I can tell you that words are like the ingredients to a scrumptiously crafted dish.
The spice. The marinade. The aroma. The presentation.
All of those facets combine for a majestic experience that tantalises an audience’s taste buds, captivates their sheer senses with yearning and seductively engulfs them with a succulent suggestion.
“Bite”. That’s the suggestion.
And with the right choice of words, the bite becomes a buffet. A buffet that can feed your business and your personal goals in life till your heart’s content!
>> Think of your website, sales page, landing page, blog, email funnel and everything in between – including your very business – as the bite you want to serve on a plate.
>> If you serve crap food, will the audience take a second bite? Not if you’re sick in the head ( and ultimately wanting to get sick in the stomach too )
>> If you serve delectable, mouth watering and succulent food that consumes the audience beyond every last standing taste bud, will they take a second bite? Hell yeah! They’ll gobble it all up and won’t even bother to burp.
Just like a nicely put together dish with all the right ingredients, your business, website and everything else with it – requires the right mix of elements too.
That’s where persuasive copy and compelling content comes into play.
Here are a few personal TIPS from me on how to structure your copy:
A) Exploit your product’s benefits
B) Exploit your competition’s weaknesses
C) Know your audience
D) Communicate the “W.I.I.F.M psychology” (What’s In It For ME?)
E) Focus on the usage of “you”, not “we”
F) Avoid T.M.I ( Too Much Info)G) Include CTA ( Call to Action)
H) Cover Yourself ( Disclaimer, Refund Policies etc)
I) Proofread!
** Got questions on copywriting and content for your business, website, Amazon product listings, email funnels, sales and landing pages? Comment below or PM me for a ”FREE” evaluation! 🙂 **