“Marketing Intelligence” – What is it?
🎖️🔈⚡The Power of “Marketing Intelligence” 🔈🎖️⚡
Your ‘marketing intelligence’ acts as a ceiling that limits the growth of your wealth. As you raise your marketing intelligence, you raise the ceiling on what’s financially possible for you. Your marketing intelligence sets the context for your investment success – or lack thereof.
Here’s how and why…
🚩Your return on investment should improve as you learn how to invest more consistently into yourself and control losses when the inevitable mistakes do occur. That translates into more dollars in your pocket and greater financial security.
🚩Your focus should ensure that those mistakes are never made or atleast minimised so that you enjoy a head-start to the blue-print path that professionals like myself have spent hundreds of hours, thousands of dollars and countless drops of tears and sweat in investing.
⁉️ A little known fact about marketing intelligence is that it grows and compounds just like money. The effect is a ‘multiplicative’ one – not an additive one. Each new titbit of information connects to all the other knowledge which multiplies. It doesn’t just add up, but it grows geometrically by multiplying.
👉 Your goal should be to make regular knowledge-deposits every week into your marketing intelligence account, just like you make monthly deposits into your investment accounts.
💥 When you do this, your marketing intelligence will multiply and grow ahead of the growth in your investment accounts to help create a lifetime of financial security.
🎖️For more gems on the power of persuasive marketing, attention-grabbing sales copywriting and emotion-evoking content that leaves you salivating, check out: www.acepreneur.net 🎖️